This page will act as a permanent host to my forthcoming software. I’m currently playing with Android Apps, and since I probably won’t be creating anything that will simply set the Google Play store on fire, I’ll probably just host them here and avoid being the 107,354th fart app.
I’ll most likely also post my code examples I wrote way back in high school. Turbo Assembly, Turbo C++, Borland was king back in the day.
Uploaded the second version (1.1) of my TipCalculator Android app. More details on the TipCalculator page.
Movie Search
First version of my personal Movie Searching application. It’s useable, but unless you want to know what movies I own, it’s not very practical.
High School C++ Code
This is some C++ code I wrote in high school. Just so you know that I know C++.
Recent C++ Code
Decided to start pumping out some fresh C++ code to impress the hiring companies. Here it is.